Survey Factors Affecting Tourism Destination Brand Equity (Case Study: Savadkuh County)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. Student, Semnan University

2 َAssistance Professor in Semnan University

3 Instructor, Tourism Faculty,, Semnan University


Extended Abstract
In the landscape of contemporary tourism industry, due to growing competition of tourism destinations, destination brand development has become a strategic tool around the world. Having a successful tourism brand can be highly influential in increasing destination competitive advantage, attracting tourists and consequently will result increased revenues from tourism and national economic prosperity. This will be possible through a strategy of brand equity.
Tourism has had a positive effect on the country's economic development, particularly in terms of foreign exchange earnings, the employment rate, taxes and other areas (Richards, 2013). However due to increasing competition and the emergence of phenomena such as global markets, domestic industries of every country need to increase their competitive advantages. Brand equity is one of the strategic tools that causes commitment and higher frequency of consumption, increasing economic value for shareholders and expands economic activities beyond geographic boundaries (Iranzadeh et al., 1391). Brand equity is the core concept of brand management and has been studied from different perspectives. From the perspective of keller (1993) brand equity is the distinguished effect of brand knowledge on consumer response and reaction to marketing and strengthens preferences and purchase intentions of customers (Ranjbarian and Ghaffari, 1393; Namin and Ishmael Musharraf in 1392; Amari and Zendeh del, 1391).  Aaker and Equity (1991) defined brand equity based on the following five dimensions: 1) brand loyalty: the attitudes and behaviors of visitors to a particular brand destination show their own unique preferences, and they recommend that others visit that destination; 2) brand awareness: this refers to the extent that consumers recognize and remember the destination; 3) perceived quality: this refers to the quality of the tourism products or services offered by the destination, the level and degree of satisfaction in the minds of consumers, and their subjective feelings; 4) brand association: this dimension refers to the destination brand in the minds of consumers, including what they think about the brand, its product features, its functions and levels, the consumers' interests, the product's relevance to the consumers' lives, associated personality traits, and its competitors or countries; and 5) other exclusive brand assets (other proprietary brand assets); this dimension includes patents, trademarks, and the relationship between a company and its competitors (Bianchi et al., 2014)
Savadkuh is a county in Mazandaran province which has the lowest relative density of population in the province. On the other hand, according to the censuses conducted from 1375 to 1390, despite population growth in the country, this city had negative population growth (-19 percent). Apart from the population growth control, one of  the  main reasons of negative growth rate is emigration from the county to work and live in other cities since the unemployment rate in this county is 20/59 percent (Divsalar et al., 1392)
Concerning  these evidences, Tourism can play a crucial role in job creation and preventing emigration. Because of its geographical, historical and cultural features, Savadkhooh county is a good place to develop various types of tourism such as geotourism and ecotourism, medical tourism, cultural, natural, sport and religious tourism. Therefore, evaluating the tourism destination brand of Savadkuh is an essential element of formulating marketing strategies for this destination.
Finally  considering concepts in brand equity literature, this study tries to evaluate the important and effective factors in the development of tourism destination brand of Savadkuh, and to answer this question “how domestic tourist assess Savadkuh Brand?”
Materials and Methods
This study is an applied research and has been conducted through a quantative survey method. The population of the study is domestic tourists who visited Savadkouh county in the period of early June  to late July,2016. Initially, Four cities Zirab,,Polsefid,,Aalasht and Shirgah were selected through cluster sampling; and then 4 tourist attractions including:  the Museum of Anthropology, Shoormast Lake, Javarem Tourist Area and palang forest and Fall were selected from these four cities. The respondents were chosen through random numbers tables. The Cochran teqnique in a .95 confidence level and P= 0.5 (error of 0.05) was used. The accounted sample size for the study was 348; but 430 questioners were distributed among the visitors from which 400 questioners were valid. 
To collect data needed for theoretical foundations documentation like (library resources, articles, books)  and internet were used. A 5-point Likert scale questioners was also used to gather data and to analyze them. According to the study conceptual model, six indicators t including brand awareness, brand image, brand perceived quality, perceived value of the brand, brand loyalty and brand equity were investigated.
Discussion and Results
Results of the study showed that in Savadkuh as the context of the study, brand awareness, brand image and perceived quality have significant positive effect on brand equity and brand image; as well perceived value and brand equity have a significant positive effect   on brand loyalty. The brand awareness has the greatest impact on brand equity and brand equity has   the greatest impact on brand loyalty. But the perceived quality   does  not have any direct significant effect on brand loyalty.
Keywords: Brand Equity, Destination Brand, Brand Loyalty, Savadkuh.

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