The typology of urban tourists and responsible tourism (Case study: Tourists in Babolsar, Lahijan and Sareyn)

Document Type : Research Paper



Responsible tourism is a type of tourism that aims to create good tourism opportunities through optimal use of holidays, improved quality of life for residents, socio-economic benefits and the protection of natural resources. This concept has emerged, having identified its importance to create and enhance business opportunities in the tourism sector. This article focuses on the attitudes of consumers of tourism products towards sustainable tourism in Three tourist destinations of northern Iran (Babolsar, Lahijan and Sareyn(. First, the typology of all types of tourists was carried out using Cohen's institutional model and its adaptations for Iran and tourists have been divided into three institutional, semi-institutional and non-institutional groups. Then, their level of responsibility in daily consumption, towards the community and the environment was evaluated. A sample of 386 people was selected using the Cochran formula. For data analysis, factor analysis and ANOVA testing were used. The results of the research show that, Institutional tourists, have the greatest sense of responsibility towards local communities and the environment. The semi-institutional group, is below 3. And the third group, non-institutional tourists, has little respect for the rights of local communities and the environment.


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