Studying the effect of entrepreneurial marketing on marketing capabilities and market performance in tourism SMEs in the city of Tehran (The moderating role of competition intensity)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Farabi Campus of Tehran University

2 Faculty of Business Group, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Farabi Campus, Tehran University

3 Faculty of Science Farabi University of Tehran-Business Group-School of Management and Accounting


The importance of tourism and the need to examine various topics in the area, is widely acknowledged. At the same time, (SMEs),as the most important facilitators in the tourism industry have recently become increasingly concerned the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of entrepreneurial marketing on SMEs’ marketing abilities and market performance in the field of tourism, considering the moderating role of competition intensity. The present study is an applied study in terms of aim and a quantitative study in design, while being descriptive-analytical in method. Data was gathered through a questionnaire and the sample population consisted of tourism SME managers in the city of Tehran, amounting to 1600 businesses in total. Sampling was performed, using the Morgan table, 310 samples were chosen. . To test the research hypotheses, structural equation modeling, SPSS and Warp PLS softwares have been used. The results showed that entrepreneurial marketing affects the marketing capabilities of the studied businesses and enterprises., business marketing capabilities were also proven to have an effect on market performance. However, competition intensity was found to have no moderating effect on the relationship between entrepreneurial marketing and marketing capabilities and the relationship between marketing capabilities and market performance.


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