Estimation of the tourism carrying capacity in protect areas (Case study: Alvand No-Hunting Area)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor Environmental Sciences Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University

2 Ph.D Student Environment Evaluation and land use planning, Environmental Sciences Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University

3 scientific membership/ shahid beheshti university


Protected areas, one of the most important natural tourist destinations that require planning and management, in order to ensure the long-term sustainability of their services. One of the ways to reduce the adverse effects of tourism on natural environments is, to estimate the carrying capacity of these areas.
In this study
At first, tourism zones are concentrated in two levels ,on the 1 and 2 floors in this area, it was determined that the extensive recreation area of 1 and 2 floors was (700 & 1150 ha), and intensive recreation of 1 and 2 floors with a total area of (23 & 177 ha) respectively. Then, the carrying capacity at three levels of calculated: physical, real and effective in the extensive recreation area of tourism in two floors 1 and 2.
Physical amount of carrying capacity on the floor respectively 1 and 2, 3065 and 5042 persons per year, the real carrying capacity, 137 and 225 people per year, and about 10% of the real carrying capacity of the area, 14 and 23 per year, were allocated to effective containment carrying capacity due to the conservation conditions and limitations in the area.


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