Spatial Requirements for the Development of Creative and Competitive Cultural-Tourism Clusters (media cities); a case study for Tehran Metropolitan Area

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 گروه شهرسازی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تهران مرکز


In today's age of Globalization, cluster development in general and the development of creative cultural-tourism clusters in particular have been introduced to be the main part of spatial development and regional competitiveness.The creative cultural cluster,is dominated by small and medium-sized cultural and creative enterprises, specialized arts and new media practices, which can be referred to the activities, innovative and creative cultural and artistic institutions that which has a geographical neighborhood and spatial focus by forming the overflows of knowledge and innovation, it will bring about the development and competitiveness of enterprises and the regions. In this regard, based on Porter and Lingel cluster development model, the present study has tried to use the social survey method in a deep interview with the cinema industry and also the related literature study to investigate the spatial implications of cultural-artistic clusters with an emphasis on media cluster for exploring Tehran regional development; in addition, in order to reinforce the positive effects of cultural clusters on regional development, it proposes an optimal location through a location model. The final step was devoted to proposing requirements and cost-effective strategies for influencing the cinema industry on spatial development and competitiveness of Tehran& apos; s metropolitan area


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