Analysis of planning and policy-making for development of historical-cultural tourism in Iran (case study: Tabriz metropolis)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Geography and Urban Planning, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran

2 Professor, Departement of of Geography and Urban Planning, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Departement of Geography and Urban Planning, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran



Considering the effect of appropriate planning and policy-making in tourism development, the present study has been written with the aim of evaluating the planning and policy-making of historical-cultural tourism development in Tabriz metropolis. The research method in the present study is applied in terms of purpose, survey in terms of implementation method and cross-sectional in terms of time. In order to analyze the data, has been used the technique of least squares in Warp-PLS software and sample t-test in SPSS software. Findings indicate that according to the historical-cultural potentials of the city, this type of tourism in Tabriz has not developed significantly. This is due to inadequacies in planning and policy-making at the micro and macro levels. At the micro level, we can point to the inefficiency of decision-making and operational management in the field of recreating the historical-cultural context (various managerial, economic and spatial-functional dimensions) and at the macro level, we can to the lack of a comprehensive and systematic view, inappropriate laws and political relations, the lack of an integrated approach in the management system (the dominance of centralist and technocratic management) and government ownership in the tourism sector.


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