Conceptualizing the Competitiveness of the Destination Image and its Effect on the Formation of Loyalty, Analyzing the Role of the Tourist-Destination Relationship based on Bagozzi Attitude Theories (Golestan province)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc., Higher Institute of Management Education and Research and Planning

2 Assistant Professor of Business Management, Higher Institute of Management Education and Research and Planning, Tehran



Context and Purpose: Destination marketing is one of many ways to inform tourists about the destination. However, by creating a positive image in the minds of tourists, it provides the basis for loyalty and, ultimately, the promotion of the destination's competitiveness. In this, the emotional and attitudinal connection between the tourist and the destination plays a key role. This research examines the relationship between the image of the destination and the tourist's relationship with the destination and loyalty. For this purpose, the tourist's relationship with the destination has been considered with three dimensions of trust, dependence, and satisfaction.
Design/methodology/approach: The upcoming research is descriptive in terms of its objective and descriptive method; The collection of information has been done in the library and field based on a questionnaire tool. The data was obtained from 212 tourists of Golestan province, and the structural equation method was used in the data analysis using SPSS and LISREL 8.8 software.
Findings The results of the hypothesis analysis show that the image of the destination is positively related to tourist satisfaction. The image of the destination is an essential factor in tourist satisfaction. If tourists have a higher mental image of the destination, they will be more satisfied with that place. Destination image has a positive effect on tourist loyalty through satisfaction. Finally, it can be said that satisfaction and destination image are both variables that can lead to behavioral intentions.
Conclusion: According to the statistical analysis, the obtained result shows a positive and significant relationship between the image of the destination and trust, but trust does not affect loyalty. Also, the results show that the image of the destination is positively related to dependence on the destination, and there is a significant relationship between dependence on the destination and loyalty. Finally, the results of the hypothesis analysis show that both destination image and tourist loyalty are recognized as critical elements in achieving competitiveness for tourism destinations. Also, the image of the destination affects attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. In other words, the more positive the tourists' cognitive, emotional and general characteristics of the destination, the higher their loyalty to the destination will be at both attitudinal and behavioral levels.
Originality/value: This study confirms that attachment to a tourist destination results from the tourist's cognitive perception and emotional evaluation of the destination.


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