Cultural capital and responsible consumption among tourism (case study: tourists of Mazandaran province)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in Sociology,of Economic Development,, Islamic Aazad University, Central Tehran Branch. Tehran, Iran.

2 Faculty of Mazandaran University

3 Department of Sociology,, Islamic Aazad University, Central Tehran Branch. Tehran, Iran.



Context and Purpose: Nowadays, tourism notice as form of leisure fact, category of consumption is the most important section of tourism. but what that involve important is responsible consumption in all field specially tourism field. Regarding to culture importance in tourism field, this research explained effect of cultural capital in responsible consumption among tourist. theoretical framework in the research is Bourdue theory
Design/methodology/approach: The method was survey and statistical society was Mazandaran tourist. Data is collected by multi stage sampling from 386 tourist. Data collection tools was questionnaire. also, hypothesis tested by SPSS packages.
Findings: The result showed positive effect of cultural capital dimensions (objective, subjective and institutional capital) on responsible consumption. Also, cultural capital construct has positive effect on responsible consumption with Beta= 0/ means if cultural indicators be stronger among tourist, their consumption in tourism field will be mor responsible. R2 was 0/32.
Conclusion: today life style that is appeared with consumption category, is under serious effect of cultural specifications in is necessary to do effective policy making in promoting of tourist culture specially among tourists.
Originality/value: Analyzing the responsible consumption of tourists from the perspective of cultural capital is a new approach in the study of consumption among tourists, which was investigated in this article.


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