Sociological Analysis of Consumption Among Tourists

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Sociology of Economic Department, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran

3 Associate Professor in Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


Context and purpose: In the situation of responsible consumption, the tourist considers the impact of consumption behavior on the environment, economy, society, and culture of the destination, and consciously maximizes positive effects and minimizes negative effects. Considering the importance of responsible consumption, especially the importance of this type of behavior among tourists, the present research has tried to provide a sociological analysis of responsible consumption with an emphasis on Bourdieu's theory.
Design/methodology/approach: This research was done with an emphasis on a quantitative approach and focusing on survey strategy. The statistical population of this study was tourists visiting tourist places in Mazandaran province. The research information was collected through a questionnaire from 385 tourists using a multi-stage cluster sampling method.
Findings: The results of the research show the impact of various types of social, economic, cultural, and symbolic capital on the responsible consumption behavior of tourists. The capital structure (with 4 dimensions) has had a direct and positive effect (Beta = 0.76) on the responsible behavior of tourists. In fact, with the increase in the capital level of tourists, their consumption will also become more responsible. Also, the capital structure (with 4 dimensions) has been able to explain 57% of the dependent variable (responsible consumption).
Conclusions and suggestions: Among the dimensions of capital, cultural capital has played the most important role in responsible consumption among tourists. Therefore, the design of cultural policies to promote the responsibility of consumer behavior, especially among tourists, is of great importance.
Originality/value: Based on the research findings, culture is an important factor in the discussion of the tourist's buying or consumption behavior. In fact, in addition to influencing the buyer's personal and psychological characteristics, culture also affects the buyer's decision-making process.


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