Implementing the Idea of Neighborhood Tourism in a Modern Neighborhood (Case Study: Ekbatan)

Document Type : Research Paper


faculty of Social sciences,, University of Tehran


Context and Purpose: In recent years, tourism has received remarkable attention at the level of neighborhoods and local communities. However, the share of modern neighborhoods using this capacity has not been great due to the traditionally common and often historical attractions. The purpose of this research is to investigate the possibility of implementing the idea of neighborhood tourism in a contemporary neighborhood, Ekbatan, without having the massive common elements of tourism.
Design/methodology/approach: This research is qualitative and data was collected through 19 in-depth interviews with residents, local informants, and field observations. The thematic method was used for data analysis to reach a neighborhood tourism model.
Findings: The findings show that Ekbatan Town has the capacity to host educated tourists with special interests in social, architectural, and urban planning, as well as those interested in social narratives and historical stories; therefore, it can be chosen as a modern destination for neighborhood tourism. This is subject to consideration of the role of key actors/agents.
Conclusion: The research results indicate that neighborhood tourism can be implemented if the residents’ views and especially their satisfaction are considered along with the neighborhood’s capacities.
Originality/value: This research has provided a model of making a modern tourist-friendly neighborhood, in which any successful neighborhood tourism policy and planning should be done within the framework of the neighborhood-participatory tourism approach as active hosts and with the least intervention of public and governmental institutions. 


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