The effect of the cultural and social functions of police in management of coastal areas and tourist security

Document Type : Research Paper


Member of the faculty of Amin University of Police Sciences


Context and Purpose: Cultural and social development and valuable activities in a society will not be possible without security. In many areas, there may be police management, but it does not make people feel safe. The effect of the cultural and social functions of the police in the police management of coastal areas, the effective factors for tourists' well-being, and the determination of the effect of these factors on the sense of security are the problems of the present research, which aims to determine the impact of the cultural and social functions of the police in the police management and the security of tourists in the coastal areas of Mazandaran province.
Design/methodology/approach: In terms of its nature, the current research is among descriptive and non-experimental field and survey research, and its statistical sample consisted of 400 police commanders and managers of the province. Using fuzzy analysis and Excel software, the researcher investigated the cultural and social indicators of police that are effective in security, and then, using SPSS software, the research hypotheses were tested.
Findings: The findings of the hypothesis test show that the police operational capability index, the police professional behavior index, and the police social activities index are effective for tourists in the coastal areas of the province.
Conclusion: The results show that police management and security in coastal areas are not only through the operational capability of the police, but also the professional behavior and social activities of the police are effective in creating security.
Originality/value: This research has presented a model in line with the implementation of police management strategies and increasing the sense of security in the beaches and paying attention to the supervision and demands of the natives and tourists, in which the government interventions are minimal.


Main Subjects

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