Identification of Foreign Tourists’ Constraints in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor in Management, Allameh Tabataba’i University

2 Assistant Professor in Management, Allameh Tabataba’i University

3 MA Student at Allameh Tabataba’i University

4 PhD. Student in Management, Allameh Tabataba’i University


Extended Abstract
For better understanding the basic needs, satisfaction, participation and non-participation of tourists and what issues cause their willingness to travel to a specific destination, first, their travel barriers and constraints must be eradicated. Therefore, it is necessary to provide appropriate tourism products that will meet the basic needs of tourists without constraints. This research aims to identify the constraints of Korean tourists in Tehran. In order to achieve the aims of the research, the conceptual model was developed including variables named “intrapersonal”, “interpersonal”, “structural” constraints and “destination’s constraints”. Then 351 questionnaires were distributed among Korean tourists in Tehran. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling and SMARTPLS. Totally, according to the results, destination’s constraints and structural constraints are respectively the most important variables, and intrapersonal constraints were the least important variable. Also, interpersonal constraints had moderate importance. Furthermore, with respect to the results of Friedman test, the personal characteristics of tourists, perceptions about Iran, and the lack of infrastructure and lack of facilities were identified as the main constraints of the research population.
While travel motivations act as drivers of travelling to a destination, countries are struggling with travel constraints, which are considered as the challenges & filters for tourism flows & lead to demand reduction. For better understanding the basic needs of tourists, their participation & non-participation & also drivers of their unwillingness to travel to a specific destination, it is required to remove their facing barriers & constraints. It should be noted that the term “constraint” precedes “barrier”. In this paper, we deal with identification of travel constraints which usually don’t exist in other countries- even with a structure as similar as Iran. So, current research’s main objective is to recognize the travel constraints of foreign (Korean) tourists in Tehran.
Materials and Methods
All Korean tourists in Tehran are the survey’s population. To achieve the research objectives, the conceptual model was developed including variables named “intrapersonal”, “interpersonal”, “structural” constraints and “destination’s constraints”. Using 51 main questions in Likert Scale, the researchers examined the research’s model. Finally, 385 questionnaires were distributed among Korean tourists in Tehran & were completed by them. Then we applied structural equation modeling (SEM), SMARTPLS and Friedman test to estimate the proposed model and data analysis.
Discussion and Results
Descriptive findings indicated that majority of the respondents were married & 30-40 years old men, educated, with middle & low income, who mainly were employed in private sector. Most of them traveled to Iran for the first time. Also, more than half of them were willing to visit Iran again.
According to SEM results, “destination’s constraints” and “structural constraints” were respectively the most important variables. On the other hand, “intrapersonal constraints” were the least important variable. Also, “interpersonal constraints” had moderate importance. Furthermore, with respect to the results of Friedman test, “the personal characteristics of tourists”, “perceptions about Iran” and “the poor infrastructure and lack of facilities” were identified as the main constraints of the research population.
The identified main constraints show that Iran have not still presented its real & proper image to Korean tourists. Most interesting issue is the fact that Korean tourists feel they are facing with constraints about some factors which common feeling is that Iran has been reached to international standards in them: From the perspective of the respondents, even items such as adequate security & safety on the streets & people’s behavior with tourists are among the negative factors. Iranians always are among the most hospitable people in the world. But still Iranian culture & international relationships are not positioned well. Thus, advertisements & marketing efforts of Iran should cover two fundamental aspects: first, they must offset the effects of negative propaganda of foreign media, then they must present its attractions & potentials. Attract favorable opinion of Iranians in abroad & using them as cultural ambassadors can also be helpful. Weakness of infrastructure have been always one of the most essential issues of Iran tourism industry. It is important that the government should locate at the frontline to improve this situation. Also, the quality of the hotel services doesn’t fit with international experiences and is too costly. Another issue is that Iran is among the countries considered unfamiliar with the English language.
Some other suggestions are:

Optimization of transportation performance
Supporting tourism private sector
Visa facilitation
Providing international banking systems
Encouraging travel agents
Training tour guides who are familiar with different foreign languages & cultures
Reforming bad image of security & safety in Iran
Improving the quality of tourism services & products
Cooperation & alignment of all organizations, &
Adequate, proper & comprehensive informing through mass media.

Keywords: Constraints, Tourism Industry, Korean Tourists.

Crawford, D.W. and Godbey, G.C. (1987). Reconceptualizing barriers to family leisure, Leisure Sciences, 9:119-127.
Crawford, D.W. Jackson, E.L. and Godbey, G. (1991). A hierarchical model of leisure constraints, Leisure Sciences, 13(4): 309-320.
Jackson, E.L. (2005). Leisure constraints research: Overview of a developing theme in leisure studies, in E.L. Jackson (ed.), Constraints to Leisure. State College, PA: Venture Publishing.
Jackson, E.L. Crawford, D. and Godbey, G. (1993). Negotiation of leisure constraints, Leisure science, 15(1):163-179.
Tae, Y. (2007). Leisure Constraints: Multiple Hierarchy Stratification Perspectives, Unpublished Master thesis. Clemson University.
Zhang, W. (2009). The Motivations, Constraints and Decision-Making of Beijing Outbound Tourists, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.


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