Guide for Authors

Authors Guidelines


To prevent delays in publication, the authors should follow these Guidelines:

1. Articles should be written in Persian, along with abstracts and keywords in English, and based on the following guidelines. In order for the articles to be reviewed, please forward them to the website of the journal.


2. Only scholarly research (fundamental or pragmatic) articles will be accepted.


3. Articles should be within the domain of the journal’s title (Journal of Tourism Planning and Development (JTPD)) and the proposed areas, otherwise they would not be considered for review.


4. After registration on the website (, the responsible author must forward two soft copies of the article, one with the name(s) of the author(s), and another nameless copy, along with the recognizance form, to the website. The files must be forwarded in Word, and also in pdf format.


5. The author(s) must undertake not to send the article to any other journal or conference, national or international, till the final result is stated by the referees (it is obligatory to fill up and forward the recognizance form, available on the website, along with the article).


6. Since the articles are vetted double-blindly, the name(s) of the author(s) must appear nowhere throughout the article, in the Word or pdf files.


7. The structure of the articles must be arranged as follows: title, abstract in Persian, introduction, research methodology, Discussion and Findings, results, suggestions (if necessary), acknowledgment (if necessary), notes, and references.


8. Titles must be brief and concise, containing a clear expression of the article, typed in B Titr 13 Bold font.


9. The name (s) of the Author(s) must be typed in B Mitra 10 Bold font, double-spaced from the title. Affiliations –including academic rank or study program, specialty, university, city, and country− appear under the title, on the left side.


10. Abstract: the first page of the article is devoted to abstract in Persian and keywords. The abstract contains a brief and general account of the article, emphasizing the problem, objectives, methodology, and results, at most 250 words.


11. Keywords in Persian: 3 to 5 words must be chosen so that they can be used in preparing an index.


12. Introduction: begins on the second page.


13. The main body of the article and the references are typed single-spaced on one side of the pages only, in 26 lines of 12 centimeters.


14. Typed in Word, articles should not exceed 20 pages (Persian abstract page included).


15. The main body of the articles including the introduction, data and methodology, discussion, and results must be typed in B Mitra 13 font. Notes appear after the results and before references.


16. Main titles appear in B Mitra 13 Bold font, and sub-titles in B Mitra 12 Bold font.


17. The Results section briefly and clearly states the new scientific findings of the article, at most in two paragraphs.


18. Figures appear clearly with their titles underneath as: Figure 1-…; if necessary, figure references appear in parentheses as: (Reference: Shokouee,1380:50). The font must be B Mitra 10 Bold.


19. Tables appear clearly in Table Grid format, with their titles above as: Table 1.


20. Mathematic formulas are typed from the left, one size smaller than the main body, and with the phrase “formula (no.)” on the right side. It is necessary to avoid using phrases such as ‘the following formula’, and just refer to the number.


21. In-text citation examples: (Narayan & Cassidy,2010:64) or (Nazariyan and Rahimi, 1392: 25).


22. Persian references appear first in B Mitra 12, and Latin references follow in Times New Roman 12. In order to a homogeneous Farsi and English References, the patterns follow:

  • Meshkini, Abolfazl and Habibi, Kiumars (1394) The traditional principles of construction in Islam, second edition, Tehran: Publication of the Research Center for Roads and Housing and Urban Development.
  • Baker, Theresa L. (1392) How to Do Social Research, Translation by Houshang Neyabi, Seventh Edition, Tehran: Nayer Ney.
  • Meshkini, Abolfazl; Borhani, Kazem; Shaabanzadeh Naminini, Reza (2013). Urban Stability Sustainability (Case Study: 22 areas of Tehran), Geography Quarterly, Winter 2013, 11, No. 39, p. 211-186.
  • Molodi, Jamshid (2009) Measurement of Urban Quality in New Towns Case Study: Hashtgerd New Town, Master's Thesis for Geography and Urban Planning, Mojtaba Rafieyan, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran.
  • Jenks, Mike. & Jones, Colin. (2010) Dimensions of the Sustainable City, edition1, Publisher Springer Netherlands
  • Ahmad Shah, Shamim. & AhmadWani, Muzafar. (2014 )  Impact of Conflict on Tourist Flow and Spatial Distribution of Tourists in Kashmir Valley, World Applied Sciences Journal, Vol 31, No 6, pp. 1160-1169.


23. The English abstract must appear at the end of the article, on a separate page.


24. Journal, the editing of articles, is free.


25. Legally, responsibility for accuracy of the contents, noticed the author/authors.


26. The official language of this Journal is Persian, and articles in English will also be considered.