Analysis of Urban Tourism Destination Image Management Case Study: Tabriz Metropolis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor in Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tabriz

2 MA. in Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tabriz


 Extended Abstract
In recent years, the practice of branding and marketing has become extremely popular within the context of destination. The concepts of destination image and destination marketing are closely interrelated. The ultimate goal of any destination is to influence possible tourist-travel-related decision making through marketing activities .A strong image and brand of the destination may amplify different aspects of social capital which in fact grants to the society.
Ultimately, a destination brand manifests an image (or lack of) in tourists’ mind. Moreover, both academicians and practitioners have recognized that destination image (DI) is not static but altering .the importance of DI represents the necessity of theoretical and practical contemplation in the studies agendas of researchers and authorities of tourism.
This study intends to focus on Tabriz brand which has distinctive architecture. This particular architecture is referred in many academic sources as Azeri architecture. The other purpose of this study is to analyze strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of Tabriz brand which inevitably will reinforce this brand systematically and strategically
Materials and Method
In order to utilize strategic branding of Tabriz practically, we went through SWOT- AHP using external and internal factors which have been affecting branding of this city; the factors considered for this procedure ranked by experts corresponded to the questionnaires provided by the authors. Finally, according to the strengths, weakness, opportunity and threats of Tabriz branding, some strategies have been reflected in this paper.
Discussion and Results
Tourism organizations attempt to identify their branding because of a recognized brand added tangible values to intangible tourism services. Two approaches or scenarios should be distinguished. First is the strategic approach: changing an image of the place while changing its actual reality. This method facilitates the problems solving procedure in the destination, this kind of facilitation presenting in problem shooting reduces the problem existing in the cities and in fact augment tourism and marketing . The second approach is cosmetic which attempts to provide a different image of  the place without changing anything in the context of place  but making up the place decoratively delightful and presents a cosmetic portrait of the destination; by the latter method the  problems  do not seen are not seem to be  solved or managed.
Analyzing the image management of Tabriz by SWOT-AHP model Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and threats was determined. The main strengths of image management of Tabriz refer to historical identity and unique historical and cultural spaces, Authorities strong will to develop tourism, being in specific geographical location. Main Weaknesses are people’ tendency in replacing western forms and patterns to the traditional local ones , Lack of attention to the local architecture schools in recent developments, and Lack of plan for urban branding. Most important opportunities for Tabriz destination image management is Emphasis on tourism development in 5th development plan of Iran, Emphasis on cultural-Iranian development in 5th development plan of Iran. Finally, most important threats are associated with Globalization and debilitation of local identity of Iranian cities, Media propaganda against Iran.
Geographical distances which lead to deterioration of city images specialty Islamic cities, can be improved by strengthen unique brand of cities. By making spaces according to the human and cultural content of contexts; sense of place will be reinforced and Islamic cities will have distinctive brands.
Keywords: Brand, Image Management, AHP and SWOT Models, Tabriz Metropolis.

Avraham Ketter, E. (2008). Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crises: Improving the Images of Cities Countries and Tourist Destinations, London: Oxford.
Dinnie, K. (2011). City Branding: Theory and Cases, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Fazli, G. (2012). Evaluation of Destination Image Among Foreign Visitors in Tehran, Unpublished Thesis of Master of Science in tourism management, Eastern Meditearn University, Cyprus.
Gallarza, M.G., Saura, I.G. and Garcia, C.H. (2002). Destination image: Towards a conceptual framework, Annals of Tourism Research, 29(1), 56-78.
Govers, R.Go.F. (2009). Place Branding: Global, Virtual and Physical Identities, Constructed Imagined and Experienced, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Schwaighofer, R. (2013). Tourists Destinations Images and Local Culture: Using the Example of the United Arab Emirates, Springer Gabber.


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