An Explanation of the Design of Tourism Development Model with an Emphasis on Cultural Heritage and Art of the Iranian POWs in Iraqi Camps

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor in Strategic Management, Semnan University

2 Associate Professor in organizational behavior management, Semnan University

3 PhD student in Human Resource Management University of Semnan


Extended Abstract
Today, tourism is an important source of income in the world and at the same time a contributing factor to cultural exchanges between nations. Since the Increase and diversification of tourism in the world, as of the 1990s, a new genre called "dark tourism" was added as a common tourism. While a large part of tourism literature studies focus on marketing, consumption and supply entertainment purposes, happy and fun tourism, some researchers and writers sore in search of antitheses tourism tragedy, death and war. The war tourism in the twentieth century is one of the major subdivisions in dark tourism. Studies show that millions of tourists each year from around the world visit the historic sites related to the war. Supply and demand for such tourism is a concept quite peaceful, although they have commercial and political goals in them. So works related to the remains of war in today's world has the potential to become an important motivational factor in tourism. It is anticipated that tourism in the 21st century is not only an important subset in dark tourism but also one of the most popular in the world will (Smith, 1998). As a potential for development in the Iranians provinces engaged with the imposed war, War tourism enjoys a special status. After 28 years of the end of war, its effects can be seen around the border towns. War-zone fronts and monuments of martyrs of the Sacred Defense Museum garden are still in existence and a reminder of the courage and bravery of youth and commanders of this ancient land and in the meantime. Artistic and cultural works produced by former prisoners in the camps of Iraq have the capacity to attract tourists as other remnants of war that attracts many tourists. 
        This research is descriptive and correlational and to evaluate the impact of cultural and artistic works of Iranian POWs on attracting tourists   three types of questionnaires were prepared. Then, with programs such as Art exhibition produced by prisoners of war, playing videos and lectures among tourists, the questionnaires were distributed among them (a sample of 384). The data from the questionnaires were used to test and evaluate the impact of various factors on the development of tourism in the form of hypotheses that have been formulated. In this study, to analyze the validity assessment, confirmatory factor variables was employed and to test hypotheses, the structural equation modeling was used.
Discussion and conclusion
Based on the background of the mentioned research and considering the fact that no specialized study has been conducted on the cultural and artistic works of the …… and its impact on tourist attraction, the results can be a good source for future studies of Tourism Development Management. The results of the analysis showed that the first hypothesis is confirmed and the impact of cultural factors on the promotion, development and direct absorption of   tourists and has been set at a high level. Also, the interrelationship of the cultural factors are confirmed. Out of the four factors, holding religious classes stands on the top of the list. Exhibiting other cultural media earns the second place, holding scientific courses earns the third rank and sociocultural programs stands on the fourth place. As a result, the intended ….. Is confirmed and the four factors have significant impact on the cultural variables. The second hypothesis results show that this hypothesis is and the art factors have direct high level impact on the promotion, development and attraction of tourists. Among the four components related to the development and absorption of tourists , holding art courses earns the first place, exhibiting artifacts earns the second place, exhibiting the necessary hand-made facilities  earns the third place and showing the creativity earns the fourth place. As the model of the research is confirmed, we can claim that the development and attraction of tourists will be enhanced by boosting the cultural and artistic factors.
Keywords: Tourism, the Development of War Tourism, Cultural and Artistic Works, Prisoners of War, Iraqi Camps.

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