Qualitative Assessment of Rural Tourism Problems in Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari Province Using Grounded Theory with an Emphasis on Dimeh Village in Koohrang County

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Shahrekord University

2 Professor in Economy and Development of Agriculture, University of Tehran

3 Assistant Professor in Geography and Rural Planning, University of Tehran


According to World Tourism Organization reports, revenue from tourism is rising with a high speed and it can be a big step for areas with natural and tourist attractions. The unique features of geographical, ecological, mountain attractions, water resources, forest of Chahar Mahal & Bakhtiari province attracts many tourists to this region. The aim of this study is developing a system model for analysis of different views on the obstacles and problems of tourism in Dimeh village as a rural tourism site in Koohrang County in Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari province in experts' viewpoint related to the tourism sector, key people in villages and inside and outside tourists in the province be present in tourism centers and villages.
Materials and Methods
This Study is qualitative research and for analyzing the data in this study, the grounded theory was used. The study population consisted of three categories of research about rural tourism officials and inside and outside the province tourists and the third category of cultural heritage experts. Sampling was completely purposeful (snowball method) then conducted in-depth interviews, focused interviews, structured and semi-structured interview and eventually reach the theory saturation, data collection and coding procedures and data analysis of the content analysis was performed. Based on the grounded theory, after collecting information from the study population, we reviewed and analyzed recorded video tapes, interviews, photos and manuscripts were discussed. After reviewing several times, extra points, redundant and unrelated matters to the subject removed and key statements were obtained in the form of codes and concepts (the first stage: encoded open). In axial coding, data are compared with each other in an ongoing process until after the opening encoded link between the categories specified. In axial coding, developed classes and each class is composed of the following classes that are related to each of them is determined. Selection coding is a combination of selective coding classes for the initial formation of research framework. At this phase, we combined previously coded sentences to understand the relationship between them and then conceptual model outlined.
Results and Discussion
The results of this study was to extract the conceptual model of problems of the tourist village of Dimeh that showed village has infrastructure problems, health, cultural attractions pale, lack of understanding of tourism, lack of motivation of local officials, lack of planning, research and monitoring, problems related to human resources, tourism problems and issues and problems related to government and handicraft problems.
Since Chaharmahal & Bakhtiari Province in the field of tourism and ecotourism is among the five top provinces and annually receives a large number of tourists (especially in spring and summer), Therefore, more attention to removing the barriers identified in this research model to improve the situation of the village, systemic approach studies to further investment in infrastructure, help to local people's participation, marketing, attention to handicrafts and future research on different aspects of rural tourism, to strengthen these categories in order to benefit more villagers recommended. The deployment of emergency teams, containers of aid, the timely collection of garbage, increasing the number of trash cans, the use of trained human resources, extension training with a focus on marketing and, the government's attention to this topic for the sale of food, beverages and crafts is beneficiary.
Keywords: Tourism, Problems and Obstacles, Dimeh Village, Qualitative Analysis.

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