A Study of Alcohol Consumption by Non-Muslim Foreign Tourists in the Criminal Law of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, University of Mazandaran

2 MA. in Criminal Law and Criminal Criminology, University of Mazandaran


Extended Abstract 
The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of alcohol by non-Muslim foreign tourists in Iran's criminal law for being or not being guilty of crime and recognizing its constituent elements as crimes. In this regard, the study of the infallibles' hadiths and the interpretation of the words of the jurists and the analysis of Article 266 of the Islamic Penal Code and its emphasis were discussed. Accordingly, the use of alcohol by a non-Muslim tourist in the territory of Iran is not a crime unless a person appears to be in public use to drink alcohol in such a way as to bring others to action or to appear drunk in public places, although seen by others. However, it should be kept in mind that in crimes such as Khmer drinking and crimes related to that ignorance principle, he is committing criminal laws, so that his knowledge must be proven to be responsible and guilty. This research has been collected and analyzed using a library method.
Surfing on the land and recreation and recreation in other areas of the ancient Alayyam have been of interest to the people of the world, which is also accompanied by goals. For example, you can see the historical attractions and places of worship, as well as the familiarity with the customs of different nations. By studying the Qur'anic verses it is found that Allah Almighty has also ordered people to travel to all parts of the world, for example, "Verse 20 of the Spider-Man". Nowadays, with the increase of communication means and consequently the expansion of communication between people of different countries of the world, tourism has become a modern industry in the sense of tourism in particular, which is expected to be enjoyed by Iran. Entry of foreign tourists to the country causes the assignment of his duties and the reciprocal creation of privileges and privileges for the individual, as a result, foreign tourists are obliged to comply with those assignments and the host country is also required to comply with those rights. One of the most important tasks of foreign tourists is to observe the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which emphasizes article 3 of the Islamic Penal Code of 1392. It is also one of the most important rights of foreign tourists to travel freely in the host country and also to determine the free housing status in that country. Along with the rights mentioned above, one of the other privileges that the legislator attaches to the tradition of the infallible Imams, as well as the word of jurists for non-Muslims, is the use of deliberate consumption for non-Muslims, despite the forbiddenness of drinking for Muslims, which is referred to in Article 266 of the law Islamic punishment has also been mentioned, the existential philosophy of this ruling can be sought in respect of the customs of other religions, as emphasized by the Qur'an.
Materials and Methods
The research methodology for this article is analytic, meaning that some principles and rules, especially non-denial laws and regulations, are unacceptable as the underlying basis, and discussions are analyzed and answered on the basis of these rules and principles. The library documentation collection documentation is then collected, then the documentation of the analysis and response of the issues and challenges presented as the findings of the data is provided.
Discussion and Results 
Based on the analysis of this study, the following findings were made: the mere pretending to use alcohol by non-Muslim foreign tourists without anyone seeing him does not lead to the realization of the crime. The result showed that in order to realize the consumption of alcohol, the manifestation of the person's appearance should be seen with the intent and the person should be seen by others. Another thing that is sufficient to punish a non-Muslim foreign tourist who has been drinking alcohol is to visit public places to commit a crime, and there is no need to see a person by anyone. "The result showed that in order to realize the crime of appearing in Now the drunk is not necessarily to be seen by someone else in public places, and his mere presence in a public place causes the crime to occur. The next finding is that foreign non-Muslim tourists should be punished according to the law of the country in case of drinking alcohol. "Was investigated. The findings suggest that personal punishment in the territory of the territorial sovereignty of Iran is committed in accordance with accepted fundamental rules and legal logic. In the end, the lack of awareness of the foreign tourist to the rules of the law causes him not to be punished. "The findings show that the punishment of the ignorant person is against the principles of human rights and jurisprudential doctrines. As a result, in the amount of crime such as drinking Khmer, science He is recognized by the Islamic Penal Code.
In conclusion, it can be concluded that: Although alcohol consumption is not a crime by foreign tourists, the legislator has criminalized the practice of preserving the sanctity of Muslims and the values of the Islamic society. 1. Non-Muslim foreign tourists pretending to Consumption consuming. 2. Pretending to be used by others. 2. Non-Muslim foreign tourists appear after drinking alcohol in public places and places. This is not unimportant in contrast to the pretending to be seen by others.
Keywords: Alcohol, Pretense, Drunk, Tourist, Non-Muslim

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  3. اردبیلی، محمدعلی (1393). حقوق جزای عمومی، جلد 1، تهران: میزان.
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  17. سبزواری، سید عبدالعلی (بی تا)، مهذب الاحکام فی بیان حلال و الحرام، قم: دارالتفسیر، ج23.
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  22. طباطبائی یزدی، محمدکاظم (1419)، العروه الوثقی فیما تعم به البلوی( المحشی)، جلد 1،قم: دفتر نشر اسلامی
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  30. کاتوزیان، ناصر (1386). مقدمه علم حقوق، تهران: انتشارات سهامی انتشار
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  33. موسوی خمینی، روح الله (بی تا)، تحریر الوسیله، نجف: بی نام، ج2.
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  35. مروارید، علی اصغر (1410)، الینابیع الفقهیه، جلد 23، بیروت: دارالاسلامیه
  36. میرمحمد صادقی، حسین (1392)، حقوق کیفری اختصاصی 1 (جرایم علیه اشخاص)، تهران: میزان
  37. نجفی، محمدحسن (1390)،. جواهر الکلام فی شرائع الاسلام، جلد 1،2،3(حدود و تعزیرات) ، مترجم اکبر نایب زاده ،تهران: چاپ خرسندی
  38. نوری، میرزا حسین (محدث نوری) (بی تا)، مستدرک الوسائل، جلد 18، قم: موسسه آل البیت علیهم السلام
  39. هیوم، رابرات (1382)، ادیان زنده جهان، تهران: دفتر نشر فرهنگ اسلامی