The Impact of Medical Tourism Motivational Factors on Behavioral Intentions of Tourists: The Mediating Role of Perceptual Factors and Satisfaction

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in Economics, University of Tabriz

2 Associate Professor in Economics, University of Tabriz

3 Associate Professor, University of Science & Culture

4 Assistant Professor in Management, University of Tabriz


Extended Abstract
Medical tourism constitutes one of the most important sectors of the tourism industry with many economic and social benefits. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of motivational factors on Medical tourism on behavioral intention. In terms of aim, this study is applied and in terms of data collection method is descriptive-analytical. For data analysis, structural equation modeling has been used. A total of 285 questionnaires were distributed randomly among the statistical population of the study. To assess the validity of the questionnaire content validity, factor analysis, convergent and differential validity were used. Cronbach's alpha value was more than 80%. The results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between the motivational and perceptual factors of medical tourists and their behavioral intention. The quality factor has the greatest impact on the perceived target image and behavioral intention while perceived quality has the greatest impact on the behavioral intention of tourists. Considering that the development of medical tourism requires a systematic and comprehensive look, it is necessary to develop an appropriate strategy to increase the number of medical tourists in the destinations by coordination of the organizations involved in this sector at macro and micro levels.
Medical tourism is one of the most important branches of the tourism industry, which has a lot of economic and social benefits (Zimenska, 2015). Connell (2013) states that medical tourism is used to improve health, including more aggressive methods and medical examinations. According to Guy Coe's (2011) view, the components of a medical tourism system are: a) medical tourists; b) medical tourist generating regions; tourism destinations regions; c) service providers. Pontrich and Stefano (2016) have developed a health tourism index using a drain-tensile model. This indicator consists of four factors of the country's environment, tourism destination, medical tourism costs and medical services and facilities. Wo et al. (2016) show that empirical quality has a positive effect on patient trust, satisfaction, and perceived value. The patient's trust and perceived value have a positive effect on patients' satisfaction. Patient's trust, patient satisfaction and perceived value as a mediator have a positive effect on patients' behavioral intention. Han and Hyun (2015) have studied the impact of quality, satisfaction, trust, and reasonable prices on customer care in the medical tourism industry. The findings show that perceived quality, satisfaction and trust have a significant effect on the intention to return to clinics and destination countries. Considering the importance of effective factors in the attraction of medical tourists and its impact on behavioral intention in this study, the impact of motivational factors of medical tourism on the behavioral tendencies of tourists as well as the perceptual factors of destination image, quality and perceived value, and satisfaction of all medical tourists are discussed.
Materials and Methods
In terms of aim, the purpose of this study is applied and in terms of data collection method it is descriptive and analytical. In the field of data collection, the questionnaire was used as the tool measurement. The statistical population of the study was medical tourists referred to the medical centers of the East Azerbaijan province. To collect data, simple random sampling method was used to complete the questionnaires by foreign patients referring to health centers. In the present study, based on the size of the statistical population, 285 statistical samples were collected and for data analysis, testing the hypothesis and fitness of the model, the structural equation models and partial least squares method were used.
Discussion and Results
There is a positive and significant relationship between the perceived target image of medical tourists and the factors of cost, quality, destination and technical infrastructure. So that medical tourists have percepted the qualıty effects of the health and medical servıces (path coefficient 0.339) compared to the effects of the technical and specialized infrastructure (path coefficient 0.301), destination effects (path coefficient 0.199) and cost (path coefficient 0.101) more powerful They understand.
The findings of the research indicate that the motivational factor of the quality and the technical and specialized infrastructure relative to the factors of cost and destination have a greater impact on the perceived target image and the perceived factors of the medical tourists. The development of technical and specialized infrastructure, including: proper amenities and accommodation, the use of an international language translator and a provider of tourism and the development of electronic communications for the provision of medical advice before and after treatment, reducing waiting time for treatment, improving equipment and medical facilities are proposed to improve the quality of health and medical services to attract foreign tourists and expand export healthcare services.
Keywords: Motivational Factors, Medical Tourism, Behavioral Intention, Destination Image, Perceived Quality.

Connell, J. (2013). Contemporary medical tourism: Conceptualization, culture and commodification, Tourism Management, 34: 1–13.
Fetscherin, M. and Stephano, R.M. (2016). The Medical Tourism index: Scale development and validation, Tourism Management, 52:539–556.
Gyu Ko. T. (2011) Medical Tourism System Model, International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 11(1): 17-51.
Han, H. and Hyun, S.S. (2015). Customer retention in the medical tourism industry: Impact of quality, satisfaction, trust, and price reasonableness, Tourism Management, 46: 20–29.
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  1. Connell, J. (2013). Contemporary medical tourism: Conceptualization, culture and commodification, Tourism Management, 34: 1–13.
  2. Fetscherin, M. and Stephano, R.M. (2016). The Medical Tourism index: Scale development and validation, Tourism Management, 52:539–556.
  3. Gyu Ko. T. (2011) Medical Tourism System Model, International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 11(1): 17-51.
  4. Han, H. and Hyun, S.S. (2015). Customer retention in the medical tourism industry: Impact of quality, satisfaction, trust, and price reasonableness, Tourism Management, 46: 20–29.
  5. Szymańska, E. (2015). Construction of the Model of Health Tourism Innovativeness, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 213: 1008-1014.
  6. Wu, H., Li, T. and Li, M. (2016). A study of behavioral intentions, patient satisfaction, perceived value, patient trust and experiential quality for medical tourists, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 17(2): 114–150.