Designing Model of the Ethnic Tourism Management in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Management, Accounting and Management, Semnan, Iran


Country of iran has highly potentials in field of tourism including cultural issues and existence different ethnics that so ethnic tourism is considered one of tourism bases in iran and which has been effected in tourism prosperity of tourism local-indigenous areas . this research is quality and goal of research is recognizing components and dimensions of tourism ethnic and research methodology is grand theory and that is acted gather and analysis .statistics society is including of academics ,professors, managers, experts and entrepreneurs of tourism. The sample of research is eleven of governmental -privacy experts in tourism that have been choiced by judgment. Resulted model has 6 main articles,4 sub-articles and 24 concepts .main articles are causality , ground, intervention, phenomenon, strategy and consequence and according to case every main article has been consisted of sub-articles and several concepts for example ethnic tourism as main phenomenon that is been consisted of two concepts including of ethnics properties, tourism based ethnics .


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