The Impact of Behavioral Strategies on Turnover intention in female Employees of hotels in Mashhad

Document Type : Research Paper


1 management/ faculty of economics and administrative sciences/ ferdowsi university of Mashhad

2 Management, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Management , Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The requirements of today's life have made women, in addition to traditional roles, also play role-playing roles. However, the role of women has been highlighted today in service activities, especially in the tourism sector. The purpose of this study is investigating the Effect of Heedful relating and Perceived Organizational Support on Turnover intention with Mediator role of Thriving at work in female Employees of hotels in Mashhad. The present research is a survey based on the purpose of the application and in terms of the method of doing the work. The statistical population includes female employees of hotels in Mashhad. Random sampling method was used to collect data. Due to the uncertainty in the size of the community, 390 people were selected as samples. The findings showed that Heedful relating and perceived organizational support had a positive and significant effect on Thriving at work of female Employees. From other results, the effect of heedful relating, perceived organizational support, and Thriving at work on the Turnover intention woman employees is significant. In addition, the mediator role of Thriving at work has been confirmed.


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