study of Hermeneutic Experience the Sacred Spaces

Document Type : Research Paper




This quest for this hermeneutic inquiry focuses on the meaning of life on the experience of those who have chosen the tomb of the unknown martyrs as a place of tourism and pilgrimage. . The present study is based on the qualitative method and using the interview technique and documentation of the living experience in the field of field, a conventional analysis has been used to analyze the findings. The results show that the establishment of the martyrs' tomb in the uprisings of the light hill in Jamshidieh Park of Tehran has a semantic system and a cultural syndrome, indicating an indissoluble link between man, mountain, nature and sacred spirituality from tourism. In terms of metaphorical metaphor, birding is a natural upward movement, and during the path of birding, a sense of excellence in humans is created and inner vitality is created. The pilgrim's motivation for respondents includes nine main themes: "achieving inner peace", "natural stretching and the motive for moving away from the city," "reuniting with the martyrs," "resorting to", "commitment and feeling of religion," "modeling from The character of the martyrs "," pain and appreciation "," sense of coherence "and" sense of self-interest "


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