The role of virtual reality on creating a sense of spatial presence, behavioral intentions, and destination marketing

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc student University of Mazandaran

2 tourism management/social sciences and humanity University of Mazandaran Iran

3 tourism management/social sciences/University of Mazandaran/Iran


Today, advanced virtual reality technology has changed the tourism industry by providing an opportunity for pre-experience destination. Therefore, the industry faces the challenge of realizing virtual reality technology to attract and retain potential tourists. To this end, in this research, the role of virtual reality display in shaping the sense of spatial presence and behavioral intentions after experiencing the virtual environment is considered. 302 potential outbound tourists who were chosen by the snowball method, in two separate groups participated in the research. The data collection tool was a questionnaire that was distributed after testing validation and reliability. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation test. The results showed that the virtual reality display has a positive effect on the sense of self-location and possible actions of the sense of spatial presence. Virtual reality display does not directly, but through the sense of self-location affect behavioral intentions after experiencing the virtual environment. Spatial ability impact the sense of spatial presence. Therefore, the more user has the spatial ability, the better he can feel being in the virtual environment. Also, there is a positive correlation between spatial presence and behavioral intentions.


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