Impact of rural tourism development on agriculture sector (Case study: plain rural area of Mianband county in Noor township)

Document Type : Research Paper


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of tourism development on the agricultural sector in order to analyze the nature of the link between these two parts, in rural areas of the rural district of Mianband in the Township of Noor. This research is an applied research in terms of its purpose and a descriptive-analytical survey in terms of its method. The statistical community includes all rural households in this village. Data has been collected through questionnaires and interviews. Regarding the widespread population of the statistical community, 322 male households were selected through random sampling method. In analyzing the data of this research, one-sample test, dependent t-test and correlation test were used. The results of this research indicate that the effects of tourism development on the factors such as agricultural production, employment in the agricultural sector, income and profits from agricultural production and the level of motivation for activity and investment in agricultural sector have been significantly different with the level of their desired effects.


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