Fuzzy Analysis of Factors Affecting the Attraction of Foreign Tourists at the Macro Level

Document Type : Research Paper


department of history and sociology, faculty of human science, university of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran


This research, with the aim of explaining the sociological factors affecting the attraction of tourists, is to know that society must, in addition to cultural and natural attractions, be in a position to be successful in attracting foreign tourists. In this regard, by designing a theory at different analytical levels and using fuzzy logic, the extraction of sufficient and sufficient conditions for attracting foreign tourists was considered. The results showed that economic, political, social and cultural globalization, internal conflict, social security, infrastructure competitiveness, rule of law, cultural and natural attractiveness of each is a prerequisite for attracting tourists to the macro level. In combined causality, due to more theoretical and empirical coverage, only a causal route of theoretical and experimental significance was recognized. The final equation of the present study showed that social and cultural globalization, political globalization, social security, cultural and natural attractiveness, and competitive ability in infrastructure are a combination of sufficient conditions for attracting tourists in macro level. This combination showed us that the successful countries are above the terms, that is, these conditions are present, but countries that are not successful in attracting tourists are not in a position to combine these conditions.


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