Identifying and Investigating Factors Influencing Tourism in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran


Today, the tourism industry has become one of the largest services industry in the world in terms of revenue generation. The expansion of the tourism industry, in addition to its significant impact on the broader economic dimensions, such as job opportunities, income generation, poverty reduction and welfare, has a major role in promoting national identity, social security and social justice. In this research, the present paper seeks to investigate how infrastructure influences on security, economic, socio-cultural, environmental pollution, health services and the mutual effects of these factors on each other. This research is applied in terms of its purpose and emphasizes the combined strategy of a sequential exploration. Accordingly, a quantitative (ISM) method was then applied quantitatively (survey). The statistical population consisted of all travelers and experts in tourism and experts, using stratified random sampling method and within simple random classes. The sample size is calculated using the Morgan table, and thus, a sample of 384 people is considered. The research findings indicate confirmation of research hypotheses. Among them, the infrastructure with a coefficient of 0.94 has the greatest impact on security factors and economic factors with a coefficient of 0.23 have the least effect on environmental pollution



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