Aesthetic Quality, Service Quality and Positive Experience on the Loyalty of Tourists (Case Study: savadkoh Forest Areas)

Document Type : Research Paper


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2 MA in Tourism Marketing, University of maziar, Royan


Increasing the interest of tourists in nature tourism in recent years is a clear vision for the development of ecotourism in our country. For the survival of this type of tourism, loyalty is the most important component of the survey. But the expansion of the market and the promotion of loyalty to tourists depend on factors. The quality of services, the quality of aesthetics, and positive experience can be cited as the main drivers of loyalty in forest-based tourism. The northern bar of the country is prone to nature-based tourism. The studied area is one of the most popular forests of Savadkou in Mazandaran province. The main objective of this research is to study the components of the quality of aesthetics, service quality, positive experience on loyalty of the region. The research method is descriptive and analytical and in terms of its purpose. .


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