Designing the model of entrepreneurial Opportunity window In Iran’s cultural tourism

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Azad University, Aliabad Katoul

2 Department of Economics, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Azad University, Aliabad Katoul

3 Department of Management, Department of Humanities, Ilam University, Iran Ilam

4 Department of Economics, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Azad University, Aliabad Katou


Today,newculturaltourismfocusesontheintegrationofproductionandconsumptionandbuildsrelationships betweensuppliersan consumers.Tourismisoneof the most dynamic economic activities of the modern era that plays an important role in sustainable development. Currently, tourism has become one of the most important components of economic development and prosperity in most countries. Cultural tourism is one of the types of tourism that encompasses a wide range of tourists and deserves special attention due to its important role in preserving the culture and history of different communities. The purpose of the present study is to design a model of entrepreneurial window of opportunity in Iranian cultural tourism. The research method used is mixed-exploratory. In the qualitative part, data-driven theory (based on open and axial coding) and in the quantitative part, the descriptive-survey method is used. The statistical population of the research is experts and specialists. In the quantitative section, the research population is the staff and experts of tourism offices and some experts in entrepreneurship field. The research tool is semi-structured interview and researcher-made questionnaire (extracted from interview texts). The statistical method at the quantitative stage is structural equation modeling. The research findings show that the main factors of the model include causal, contextual, and confounding factors, strategies, and outcomes with their specific effects.


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