The contribution of cultural event to the formation of the cognitive and effective images of a tourist destination

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of Payame nor university

2 Assistant professor of payame nor

3 Expert of Commercial Management and professor of Payame Noor University

4 Expert of Commercial Management of Payame Noor University


Festivals can be considered as an affordable tool for developing tourist attractions and recreational activities for tourism destination. The use of culture and cultural events has always been a leading factor in the areas of tourism and cultural marketing. In this research, we examine the structural components, event brand, event location and cultural event on a general picture that includes cognitive image and emotional image. This paper is applied research in terms of its purpose of research and in terms of research method, it is a descriptive survey. The population of the study is tourists in Karaj. Statistical analyzes were performed using SPSS, and Amos software, and the regression method was used to test the hypothesis path analysis. The findings showed that structural components, event brand, event location and cultural event had a positive and significant effect on cognitive image. Also, the structural components and event brand affect the emotional image. The event location and cultural event do not affect the emotional image. And the cognitive image and emotional impact on the overall image have a positive and significant effect and the emotional image of the cognitive image on the overall image is more effective


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