Assessing the Effective Factors on Improving Competitiveness in the Iran's Tourist Industry Using the Hybrid MCDM Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of commercial management , Islamic Azad University, Tonkabon Branch

2 assistant professor


The main aim of the world's tourism destinations is to increase the competitive power that leads to maintain and increase of market share. Therefore, this study evaluate the effective factors in improving the competitiveness of the Iran's tourism industry provide suitable solutions for it, using the hybrid MCDM approach. In this study, we have used a hybrid MCDM hybrid approach based on the fuzzy hierarchy process and Fuzzy Vocabulary to evaluate and select appropriate solutions. Sample research sample has been compiled by 15 experts related to the Iran's tourism industry.
According to studies, the main criteria in this study are the legal framework, the business environment and infrastructure and human and cultural resources, also each of which in turn includes sub-criteria.
The results of this study indicate that among the factors influencing competitiveness improvement, the increase of the quality of tourism destinations has been the highest priority.



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