examination of impact of social capital on security perception of foreign tourists

Document Type : Research Paper


1 tourism management/management and acounting/ Allameh tabatabaei uinversity

2 Tourism Management department, Management and accounting faculty, Allameh taba taba ei university, Iran, Tehran


Security perception is a social product and every destination community can influence on it's improvement. Host communities' social capital and it's related indicators are the affecting factors on tourist's risk perception and destination's tourist image improvement. This research seeks to examine the impact of social capital and it's dimensions on security perception of foreign tourist . Present research in terms of purpose is applied and in terms of Method of data collection is survey based. To collect data of this research, the questionnaire has been conducted. Statistical population of this research are foreign tourists. the sampling method is non-probability sampling and the 384 questionnaires were distributed among foreign tourists . Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equations are used to analyze the research data. The value of R2 indicates that the host communites' social capital in total explains 42% of the change in the variability of the security perception of foreign tourists to the Tehran city. Therefore, as a reduction factor in the perceived risk of tourists, it should be considered in destination risk management plans.


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