Explaining the Environmental Factors Affecting the University of Entrepreneurs in the Field of Tourism

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of Islamic Azad University, Tehran South Branch

2 Faculty Member of Faculty of Science, Tarbiat Modares University

3 Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Tehran South Branch

4 Faculty Member of Mazandaran University


Since the tourism industry is a dynamic industry, it needs entrepreneurs to discover and implement creative opportunities and practices. The University of Entrepreneur, taking advantage of the potential of the university, is to improve entrepreneurship and develop the tourism industry. The purpose of this study is to explain the structural relationships of environmental factors affecting entrepreneurial university in the field of tourism with the approach of psychological puberty of staff of applied science centers of Mazandaran province. The research method was descriptive-survey and purpose-oriented as applied research. Structural equation analysis was used by Liserel software. The data gathering tool in this research is a questionnaire that includes environmental factors influencing the university entrepreneurship in the field of tourism with the approach of psychological puberty of the staff of applied science centers of Mazandaran province. The statistical population of this study is all employees of Mazandaran Provincial Academic Centers. 357 people were selected according to Morgan's table as the sample, and 353 of them have cooperated with the researcher. The results of the data analysis have shown that the priority of the impact of variables are: infrastructure; macroeconomic factors; social values and attitudes; and finally the quality of public administration.


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