Pictorial analysis of photos taken from Isfahan by tourists to choose influential places on improving destination image and to manage it

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tourism Management, Management Faculty, Sheikh Bahaei University, Isfahan, Iran

2 IT Department, Management Faculty, Payamnoor University, Shahreza, Isfahan, Iran

3 Economy Department, Management Faculty, Payam Noor University, Shahreza, Isfahan, Iran

4 Management Department, Sheikh Bahaei Univesity, Isfahan, Iran


whenever a tourist travels, he/ she makes an image of the destination. Destination image has a great impression on forming a tourist imagination of the place. Researcher tries to investigate destination image of Isfahan through the vision of foreign tourists who visited it, took pictures of its attractions, and shared them on www.flickr.com. Most frequent and as a result most suitable pictures of Isfahan have been selected in order to improve this destination image.
Therefore, the researcher, studied 19502 pictures of this city from 26/06/2014 to 26/06/2018. 61 pictures have been chosen with at least 5 comments in English. 61 pictures of Isfahan have made the sample. Textalyser has been used to extract adjectives of user's comments and their frequencies, then by the use of Sentiment Lexicon for Computational Social Science of Stanford University, Adjectives have been scored and those with at least 10 score have been chosen as the elected pictures. Voyant Tools has been used to draw frequency graphs. Based on the finding of this research, 61 pictures are introduced as the most frequent pictures and 35 pictures as the most suitable ones of this destination. For unattractive tourism places building cultural heritage interpreting center is suggested .


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