The effects of urbanization on the reproduction of religious tourism through social capital mediator (Case Study: Tasoa Afternoon Ceremony in Zanjan)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Geography

2 Social science


The layout of the urban space system is influential in the development of rituals for religious tourism. In this regard, social capital determinants, by their function, lead to the organization of urban spaces and promote the reproduction of religious tourism. It reproduces religious tourism with a case study of Zanjan. This study investigates the effects of three main indices of trust, participation and social cohesion of non-indigenous (non-resident Zanjan) tourists on the Tasoula Era ceremony in Zanjan. The analysis of the research is based on the structural equation model (path analysis method). The results show that the impact of social participation component with 0.811 for urban space and 0.758 for tourism reproduction has the highest and social cohesion with 0.652 for space and 0.095 for tourism reproduction has the least effect. At the same time, studies showed that the components of social capital at 95% confidence level, while having a significant relationship with the systematization of space, also had a significant relationship with each other and function continuously with each other.


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