To Prioritize Satisfaction Indicators of Museums' Visitors (Case study: Iran National Museum)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tourism Management Department

2 Allameh Tabataba'i University


This research aims to prioritize the satisfaction indicators of museum visitors. To do so, the researchers studied the literature review and identified museum visitors’ satisfaction indicators through studying the customer satisfaction measurement models, then investigated the indicators using the Akama Model. 385 questionnaires were gathered from Iran National Museum visitors. Then descriptive and confirmatory factor analysis were used to analyze the collected data. Results show that all studied indicators, except Price and Perceived value, are influential in museum visitor satisfaction. And Reliability is the most influential indicator in Iran National Museum visitors’ satisfaction. Empathy has the least influence from the visitors’ point of view. Reliability, responsibility and tangible elements stand in places 2 to 4 regarding the importance in visitors’ satisfaction.


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