Presenting a Co-Creation Model in Tourism Industry Using Grounded Theory Qualitative Metod

Document Type : Research Paper


maryam rahmaty - phd Associate Professor, Department of Public Management, Management and Accounting Faculty, Islamic Azad University, Chalous Branch, Chalous,Iran.


Through influencing tourist services production conforming to customers’ ideals, co-creation drives companies towards producing innovative and competitive products and encourages tourists to purchase attractive packages. The present study aims to construct a co-creation model in the tourism industry. This research study utilized the qualitative methodology of grounded theory which is based on collected data from semi-structured interviews with experts in the field. The study sample was recruited via non-probability methods of purposive and snowball sampling which led to a total of 16 experts and senior managers of tourism. After accomplishing the interviews and collection of the data, the obtained codes were analyzed according to Straus and Corbin’s paradigmatic model. After the tripartite stages of open, axial and selective coding, the resultant model was achieved. The final model is composed of the core category, causal conditions, intervening conditions, strategies and finally, consequences and outcomes of co-creation in the tourism industry. Every one of the conditions and components of the model has several variables and categories that can potentially contribute to the realization of the ultimate aims of co-creation in the tourism industry.


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