Modeling the Impacts of Environmental Quality on Tourism Destinations on Tourist Satisfaction in Rural Areas Case study: Central part of Dena city

Document Type : Research Paper


1 universtiy behshti

2 university behshti

3 shaheid beheshti


The research method is descriptive-analytical which has been done by survey method. The statistical population of this study is the tourists of the study area. In order to determine the sample size of the research, due to the unknown number of the statistical population, 385 questionnaires were obtained. Factor analysis, single sample T test and structural equations in Amos Graphics software were used to analyze the data. The results show that using factor analysis to evaluate the environmental quality of tourism destinations seven factors of structural, environmental dynamics, tourist attractions, visual dynamics, social context and environmental communication and environmental network as environmental factors. Were identified. Also, the results of one-sample T-test for calculating the final score of satisfaction with the environmental quality of tourism destinations, with value (2.28) were in unacceptable and unacceptable condition. The results of second-order structural equation analysis showed that functional-structural factor with 80% had the highest factor loadings and the final results of structural equation model showed that environmental quality of tourism destinations had negligible effect on tourist satisfaction with factor of 14% and among factor Hidden quality of environmental factors was the most important factor in tourism attractions With 83% had the most role.


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