Investigating the Factors Affecting Smart Tourism in the Hybrid Technique-Based Sports Industry

Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Shomal, Amol, Iran

2 Professor, Sport Management, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran

3 Assistant professor, Sport Management, University of Art.

4 Assistant Professor, Sports Management, Payame Noor University, Iran

5 Department of management, Chalous branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran


The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the smart tourism of the sports industry with a combination technique of a variety of meta-study methods. In the present study, by using a systematic and superior qualitative review approach, it analyzes the results and findings of previous researchers and by performing weekly steps of Sandloski and Barroso method, the conceptual model of factors affecting smart tourism in the sports industry is categorized. Based on three-step coding, these factors were analyzed and categorized into 8 main categories and 90 core codes. CAPA method was used to assess the reliability and quality control of the present study. The calculated CAPA coefficient is 0.660, which is at the level of a valid agreement. The results showed that the factors affecting smart tourism in the sports industry include; Intelligent tourism information services, smart tourism cloud services, the Internet of Things, intelligent tourism information retrieval, end-user Internet services, intelligent search, content marketing, and artificial intelligence were available. The use of digital tools will bring countless benefits to businesses and sports tourism industry activists. Among them is the development of tourism to reduce reliance on oil and exit the mono-productive economy.


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