Investigating the distribution of urban hotels in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper




Hotels play a pivotal role in the tourism sector's accommodation. But how they are distributed and located can have a significant impact on the provision of services and tourism. The research method is descriptive-analytical. The nearest neighbor mean, multi-distance spatial cluster analysis, center mean and standard deviation ellipse were used to analyze the findings. For this purpose, Iran is divided into seven regions based on tourism geography, including North, East, Center, Alborz, South, West and Northwest, and then in each of these regions and for the whole country in general, the analysis has been done. . The results indicate that based on the average of the nearest neighbor, the distribution pattern of hotels in the west and northwest is scattered and the distribution of hotels in Iran is clustered. Also, based on the multidimensional spatial cluster analysis, the distribution of hotels in Iran have a total cluster distribution. Also, many hotels have been distributed in the centers of the province. In general, it can be said that many cities and regions with potential tourism potential are deprived of this type of basic infrastructure. Therefore, all areas of the country should be considered in the spatial distribution of hotels.


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