Analysis of spatial distribution of tourism public infrastructure services and facilities in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Student of Geography and Rural Planning of Kharazmi University Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization of the country

2 Faculty member and associate professor of Kharazmi University of Tehran

3 PhD student in Tourism Management, Allameh Tabatabai University

4 Ph. D. of Geography and Rural Planning, University of Tehran



. This study was conducted with the aim of leveling the provinces of the country in terms of having the main tourism facilities and infrastructure and their optimal distribution in terms of number and variety of services and facilities to provide services to tourists and study the spatial-physical system of tourism industry. This research is an exploratory study that has been used to level the provinces of the country using the FANP and VIKOR models. Based on the research findings, the provinces of the country were classified into 5 groups with very high to very low in terms of number and variety of communication network facilities and infrastructure. The results show that the government as the main policy-maker of tourism development in the field of spatial-physical planning and planning approach to the tourism industry in the provinces, has not been successful and has caused an unbalanced development so that the concentration of tourism facilities in some provinces and shortage They are quite evident in some other provinces, so the need for various services in the field of tourism, distribution of various facilities and infrastructure in the provinces to cover all types of needs of tourists is very important and vital.


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