An analysis of the role of responsible tourism components in the development of sustainable coastal tourism Case study: Bahnamir city

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Payame Noor University

3 urban planning



The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of responsible tourism components in the development of sustainable tourism in the coastal city of Bahnmir. The research method in this research is documentary and descriptive-analytical. In the first stage, it studies and explains the components of tourism responsibly. The method of collecting research data in relation to the theoretical foundations of research, recognition and analysis of documentary and library data and in relation to the study of the sample is field studies. A questionnaire was used to collect field information. The statistical population was distributed to 50 people in the form of snowballs and targeted. IPA technique has been used to analyze the data and measure the importance and performance of the indicators. The results of the research showed that the mean values ​​and performance of all responsible tourism indicators are negative values; This means that the current performance of these indicators in relation to sustainable tourism in the coastal city of Bahnmir is not favorable and they have a significant gap with their importance. Therefore, in order to achieve sustainability in coastal tourism in Bahnmir, it is necessary to pay attention to the components of responsible tourism.


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