Presenting a model of tourism complementary development with a hybrid approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty member of Allameh Tabatabai University

2 Instructor of Mohaghegh Ardabili University



This study aims to provide a model for complementarity tourism development in a mixed way. this study consists of two parts: qualitative and quantitative. In the qualitative section, the findings of the related researches were combined with the meta-combined method and the research model was designed. Based on this, 51 studies were selected and analyzed; the relevant dimensions and codes were extracted. Quantitative part was done using descriptive method to evaluate the desirability of the model, determine the importance of dimensions with the help of Friedman test and structural study of model by structural equations. The statistical population of quantities section was experts and informants in Ardabil, of which 30 people were selected. The results using meta-combination showed that the dimensions of tourism complementarity include policy, cooperation, institutional, cultural and value, dynamic and technical complementarity. The results of one-sample T-test showed that the model has the required quality in terms of seven indicators. According to Friedman test, the cooperation and policy complementarity is the highest and technical and dynamic complementarity is the lowest importance. Finally, the structural review of the model showed that all dimensions' coefficients are more than 1.96 and have been confirmed at a confidence level of 99%.


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