Measuring the Effect of Different Quality Dimensions on the Sustainability of Ecolodge (Case Study: Tehran Province)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tarbiat Modares

2 Professor/ Tarbiat Modars University



Today, the quality of rural tourism destinations has become an important competitive advantage. Otherwise Ecolodge can be the most desirable for tourists when they meet their expectations. These expectations are meaningful in terms of different environmental, social, physical and economic dimensions. If any of these factors does not have the desired quality in Ecolodge, they affect the perception and feel of the tourist from space and, consequently, their level of satisfaction from the tourism destination. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to measure the impact of different aspects of quality on the sustainability ofEcolodge in Tehran province. This research is descriptive-analytic. Data were collected by documentary and field studies. The researcher-made questionnaire was completed based on indicators and study variables among 160 selected rural tourists in 6 Ecolodge in Tehran province. For statistical analysis, statistical tests such as correlation, regression and path analysis have been used. The results show that in terms of physical quality, environmental quality, economic quality and socio-cultural quality, they affect the sustainability of Ecolodge in Tehran province.


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