Developing Sustainable Business Model Framework for Ecolodges: Using Meta-synthesis Method

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tourism Management Ph.D. from Allameh Tabatabaei University, Faculty of Management and Accounting,

2 Assistant professor, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran. Iran.



Ecolodges are fast-growing alternative establishments in tourism and hospitality industry that offer personal, authentic and local experiences to guests and tourists. One aspect of ecolodge studies that has been ignored is their business model which has a direct effect on their success. The failure to develop and implement a working business model will seal their demise. In this paper, a business model framework for these accommodations has been proposed that not only meets their business needs but also anticipates their sustainability requirements. To this end, the components of the business model framework were identified using meta-synthesis method. Then, to evaluate the components, two focus group interviews were conducted with 9 experts. 34 approved components were categorized under 9 more general themes (dimensions) including contextual factors, worldview, asset model, operations model, participation model, marketing model, financial model, impact model and value proposition. The proposed framework is holistic and flexible and has the ability to generate successful business models in different situations. The framework helps ecolodge owners and managers to grasp the different dimensions of their business at a glance, and by using different combination of its elements, design unique sustainable business models.


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