Webometric Analysis of Tourism Websites and Information Resources,, Isfahan as a case study

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc of tourism marketing management

2 university of mazandaran



Today, digital marketing based on social networks and tourism websites are considered as the primary sources of tourism information, the central marketing strategy of destination management organizations and leading businesses in this field, to provide a suitable destination image and introduce the capabilities of these destinations to attract tourists in competitive markets. Therefore, accurate identification of effective information sources is of great importance in marketing tourism destinations. The main purpose of this study is to identify the appropriate information sources for tourism destinations using webometric analysis and by examining Isfahan as the case study. Keywords were identified by three methods: experimental, tourism-related words, and technical analysis. Then, using the PSI method, 15 final keywords were selected, and then the identification and ranking of 39 websites and virtual networks providing information resources related to Isfahan were made based on these keywords. This research's theoretical and practical achievements and related recommendations are presented in the final section of the article.


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