Analysis of People’s Satisfaction about Quality of Tourist Urban Parks in Small Cities, Case Study: Sarcheshmeh Park in Khansar City

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 urbanism department, faculty of art and architecture, persian gulf university, bushehr, iran



Context and Purpose: Nowadays, more extensive services are expected from large city parks in a way that some of them also play the role of tourist attractions. Therefore, in the present research, Sarcheshmeh Park in Khansar City has been selected as a tourist park and the satisfaction of people with its services has been evaluated.
Design/methodology/approach: The current research is descriptive-analytical. The data was collected with 400 questionnaires which were distributed among the visitors of Sarcheshmeh Park. Next, the data were analyzed with an exploratory factor analysis model and linear multivariate regression.
Findings: According to the factor analysis model, the quality of tourist parks is categorized into 9 factors including "vitality", "basic services", "peace and joy", "unique to an individual", "family safe", "management and maintenance", "dynamic stimulus", "complementary facilities", and "natural ecosystem". Also, based on the linear multivariate regression model, the factors of basic services, family safety, and dynamic stimulus have the greatest impact on the satisfaction of visitors with these parks.
Conclusion: The weakness of the investigated park is in the two factors of management and maintenance and dynamic stimulus. Among the suggestions to improve these factors, Sarcheshmeh Street can be turned into a pedestrian street, especially during busy days, installing sports equipment in the vicinity of the children's playground, installing bicycle paths in the park and the paths leading to it, and setting up seasonal exhibitions in the park.
Originality/value: Utilizing new statistical models and the use of more than 50 indicators for evaluation are the most important differences between this research and previous studies.


Main Subjects

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