Identifying and prioritizing effective variables of experience-based tourism in creative cultural attractions (Case study: Tehran City)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Tourism Management, University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran.

2 Faculty member / Department of Tourism Planning / Faculty of Tourism Sciences / University of Science and Culture



Context and Purpose: The current research aims to identify and prioritize the effective criteria of experience-based tourism in creative cultural attractions.
Design/methodology/approach: The current research is a mixed one. The statistical population was formed by experts knowledgeable about the study area and the research subject. The qualitative inductive content analysis method with semi-structured interviews with experts was used to identify experience-based tourism criteria for creative cultural attractions. After that, to prioritize and determine the importance of the identified criteria, the structural equation modeling technique was implemented. The identified criteria were provided to 20 experts and were scored in the form of a matrix using the Delphi method.
Findings: The findings identified 17 effective criteria of experience-based tourism in creative cultural attractions. Based on the research findings, the study's criteria are placed in four positions regarding effectiveness: determinant, relay, goal, and result.
Conclusion: In this regard, the criteria of furniture and physical design, access, motivation, expectations, hospitality, image, and individual characteristics are the most influential criteria of experience-based tourism in Tehran's creative cultural attractions. The mentioned results help to develop creative cultural attractions. These results can be operationalized by setting up a registration system for creative cultural attractions. Furthermore, these attractions can be ranked by awarding creative certificates to outstanding ones and providing the ground for their progress and development.
Originality/value: The current research helps to develop the concept of experience-based tourism and creative cultural attractions. Additionally, the results provide the basis for the operational development of creative cultural attractions.


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