Explaining the performance of customer communication in the context of social media in the hotel industry (Case study: Persian Azadi Hotel of Ramsar)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Tourism, Mazandaran University,

2 MSc. In Business Administration, Mazandaran, Iran

3 PhD Student of Strategic Management, Department of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


Context and Purpose: With the advent of social media technology and new marketing conditions, developing a strong relationship with customers has become more important. Customer relationship management is a business strategy based on relationship-oriented marketing as well as a business strategy with the approach of establishing long-term and sustainable relationships with customers according to their conditions and behavior patterns. The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of using social media on the performance of social customer relationship management.
Design/methodology/approach: This study is correlational and descriptive research in terms of its practical purpose and method. The sampling method of the research is due to the limited size of the statistical population of the census, in which 171 questionnaires were distributed. The structural equation software (PLS) was used to check research hypotheses.
finding: The findings showed that customer-oriented management systems and auxiliary variables directly affect social customer relationship management capabilities. Social customer relationship management capabilities have a positive effect on customer relationship performance, but the effect of using social media technology on communication management capabilities with social clients is not confirmed.
Conclusion: The obtained results showed that the customer orientation management system has a positive effect on social customer relationship management capabilities, and also the researchers know customer relationship management and management insight related to the effectiveness of social media in the use of technology. Therefore, creating an effective social customer relationship management strategy (Social CRM) helps managers improve customer satisfaction and maintain long-term relationships with customers to achieve organizational goals. Therefore, creating and developing an efficient and effective social customer relationship management strategy should be one of the key goals for hotel managers. 
Originality/value: According to the review conducted in internal research, little research has been done in the field of Social CRM in the tourism and hotel industry. Therefore, in the current research, emphasizing this case, the auxiliary variables affecting the organization, including employee training, management support, and organization size, were examined to investigate customer communication capabilities on the performance of customer communication in the hotel industry.


Main Subjects

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