Identifying and Extracting the Components and Functions of Educational Tourism

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of education,-college of humanities-Bu-Ali-sina university

2 PhD Student of curriculum study, department of education, Bu-Ali sina university, Hamedan, Iran.


Context and Purpose: Educational tourism is a branch of tourism that has experienced a significant increase in recent years. The purpose of this research is to identify and extract the components and functions of educational tourism.
Design/methodology/approach: The present study is a systematic review and follows a descriptive research method. For this purpose, articles presented in English in Springer, Science Direct, Google Scholar, and Taylor databases were searched from 2000 to 2023 with the educational tourism, components of educational tourism, study abroad, international students, and functions of educational tourism keywords.
A total of 58 articles were found by the researchers in the mentioned period. After the entry and exit criteria and the screening process, 35 papers (23 in the field of educational tourism components and 12 in the field of educational tourism functions) were chosen and reviewed in this study.
Findings: The results showed that the most important components of educational tourism include mastery of the language (especially English), quality of education, experiential learning, cultural affinity, level of social mobility, personal desire and motivation, economic efficiency, and ease of access. The functions of educational tourism include education and learning functions, experience and practice functions, communication and collaboration functions, emotional functions, and social and cultural functions.
Conclusion: The findings of this conceptual paper help to increase the understanding of the various factors identified about the components and functions of educational tourism. It is suggested that the policymakers of Iran's educational system prepare realistic mechanisms to realize and facilitate educational tourism and in this way, provide a platform for cross-cultural and trans-spatial learning.
Originality/value: The originality and innovation of this research enrich the poverty of consistent theoretical and empirical foundations around determining the components and functions of educational tourism in the domestic research literature, as well as providing a basis for encouraging and promoting the phenomenon of educational tourism.


Main Subjects

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