The role of cultural capital in supporting the development of cruises (Case study: Nowshahr coastal city)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran.

2 Professor of Environmental Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Mazandaran University


Context and Purpose: In recent decades, cruises have emerged as one of the most popular branches of tourism at the international level, and currently, cruises are recognized as one of the key sectors in the growth of the tourism industry. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the role of cultural capital in supporting the development of sea voyages in Nowshahr. The current research tries to study the effect of cultural capital and its dimensions including: objectified, embodied and institutional dimensions that seem to be effective in supporting the development of sea travel.
Design/methodology/approach: The research method of the present study is descriptive-correlative and survey method using questionnaire tool was used to collect data. The sample size according to Cochran's formula is equal to 400 people.
Findings: The findings show that the average attitude of residents towards the development of sea travel (out of 5 points) was 3.13 in the economic dimension, 3.28 in the socio-cultural dimension, and 3.75 in the environmental dimension. Also, the findings show that the average dimensions of cultural capital in relation to supporting the development of sea travel (out of a score of 5) were 2.91 in the objectified dimension, 3.11 in the embodied dimension, and finally 2.86 in the institutionalized dimension.
Conclusion: The results of the hypothesis test show that there is a correlation and a significant relationship between cultural capital and development and between people's support and the development of sea travel. Also, with the increase in education and age of people, the level of their support for development increases, but statistically speaking, between age and the level There is no significant relationship with people's support.
Originality/value: Considering the local people's support for development plans in the field of sea travel, policymakers and planners can provide suitable grounds for investment for the development of sea travel in this region by enjoying this social support.


Main Subjects

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