Analyzing the Paradigm Model of the Development of the Medical Tourism Industry of I.R.I with the new Approach of Health Communication

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Central Branch,Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Communication and Media, Faculty of Social Sciences, Communication and Media, Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University ,Tehran, Iran.( Corresponding Auther).

3 Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

4 Associate Professor, Department of Communication and Media, Faculty of Social Sciences, Communication and Media, Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University ,Tehran, Iran.


Context and Purpose: The main goal of the research is to analyze the paradigm model of the development of the medical tourism industry in I.R.I., adopting a new approach to health communication.
Design/methodology/approach: This research is a qualitative study based on the data-based theory method. The statistical population under study included 18 experts, including managers of Tehran’s health tourism and health communication centers. The data collection tool consisted of deep and semi-structured interviews with the members of the mentioned community to answer the research questions. Data analysis, with a systematic approach, was the foundation of data theory. This research used the three-step process of open, central, and selective coding to analyze the data obtained from the interviews.
Findings: According to this approach, in the open coding stage, the phrases extracted from the interviews were summarized in 894 open codes, 87 central codes, and 20 selective codes. The research was validated using the four criteria of credibility, transferability, reliability, and verifiability.
Conclusion: The structures identified in the paradigm model include value-based health tourism, security, cost, and facilities as causal conditions; the use of social networks, expert human capital, and intervening conditions in communications; background conditions of psychological, behavioral, and demographic factors; and the strategies that include technology, transportation, content marketing, and marketing infrastructure as well as organizational results, tourists' results, host society's results as outcomes. The central category also includes health-based tourism, nature therapy tourism, and medical tourism.
Originality/value: To expand the theory of the development of the medical tourism industry of I.R.I., a model was presented, taking a new approach to health communication of the general model. The above-mentioned model is considered the innovation of this research.


Main Subjects

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